Game Pigeon Group Chat

Pigeons Manager » Welcome!

The Pigeons Manager is an online game where you can sell/buy pigeons, manage your own loft during the breeding season and you can also compete online with opponents of all over the world.
How it works
Pigeons Manager is free. You can manage your own loft through and with your internet browser. There are weekly races and you can manage and check your status whenever you want to. You can follow your birds, train them, sell/buy or only chat and exchange some ideas with other pigeon fanciers.
Pigeons Manager never comes to an end. If you win your league you will be promoted to an upper league. Are you ready for being famous on a national and an international level?
Read Rules

Week: 12
Last race: 14328 pigeons
Forum posts last week: 4


Loft Value
As a result of the poll and after a long study, at 23h30m today (19/02/2015), the loft value will be calculated based on the total sum of the pigeons value.
Due to recent events we ask all users to change their passwords urgently.
What is happening now:
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  • I am no expert but what i would say is this ive found over the weeks ive been a member that the reason pigeon basics topics are poor is someone posts an interesting topic and becouse its not birds of pray sarcastic comments rain in on it.This forum should be bouncing theres lots of members with lots of experiences however the mix of fancy birds with racing lofts alters the panerama that is the.
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Game Pigeon Group Chat Names

The Escape Game Pigeon Forge; 131 Island Drive, Suite 9139 Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 (865) 868-3400 email protected.